InnovaHeart is a joint European workshop on the digital heart for a future where personalised cardiac care and healthcare innovations accelerate thanks to in-silicotrials & computational cardiology.
The European Commission ambitions to develop an integrated human digital twin in Europe, as well as to create a diverse ecosystem in modelling and simulation approaches with a coherent roadmap. Cardiovascular diseases are identified as one strategic use case of interest for clinical trials supported by digital twinning technologies.
Within this framework, a one day-workshop on the Digital Heart, initiated by the EU funded project SimCardioTest, and co-organised by the EU-funded Research and Innovation Actions SIMCor, SimInSitu, the Coordination and Support Action EDITH and the EIT Health project inEurHeart will gather the European scientific community, start-ups, SMEs and industrial companies working on the digital heart, on the 22nd of March in Bordeaux.